High-end Skin Solution, High Real Effect
Flamel MD is originated and inspired from French alchemist Nicholas Flamel.
Flamel MD was able to make its own ‘Alche-medic’ solution available to the skin solution.
We provide a true ‘Alche-medic’ skin solution that goes beyond science.
With countless experience that have challenged the impossible over the past
30 years, IT’S HANBUL researchers courageous artisanship and expertise, as well
as technology, helps bring about a result of ‘Alche-medic’ solution. Flamel MD's
‘Alche-medic’ products combine the real effect with everyday skincare.
A true high-end ‘Alche-medic’ solution.
We realize real, high-end effects that no one has ever attempted
before with a true alchemedic going beyond science.
Alche-medic solutions are derived from our patented ingredients and formulas,
providing daily professional care as if having received daily care from professionals
while offering real effects to your skin. Our real effects will be realized as your
“Real Beautiful Life”.